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Cover Page
Audit Information
Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Basis of preparation
Significant accounting policies, judgements and estimates
Changes to IFRS not yet adopted
Climate change and energy transition
Emissions schemes and related environmental plans
Withdrawal from Russian oil and gas activities
Capital management
Segment information
Interest and other income
Interest expense
Goodwill and other intangible assets
Property, plant and equipment
Joint ventures and associates
Investments in securities
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Assets held for sale
Trade and other payables
Retirement benefits
Decommissioning and other provisions
Financial instruments
Share capital
Share-based compensation plans and shares held in trust
Other reserves
Earnings per share
Legal proceedings and contingencies
Directors and senior management
Auditor's remuneration
Post-Balance Sheet Events
Accounting Policies
Significant accounting policies, judgements and estimates (Policies)
Notes Tables
Climate change and energy transition (Tables)
Emissions schemes and related environmental plans (Tables)
Withdrawal from Russian oil and gas activities (Tables)
Segment information (Tables)
Interest and other income (Tables)
Interest expense (Tables)
Goodwill and other intangible assets (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Joint ventures and associates (Tables)
Investments in securities (Tables)
Trade and other receivables (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Assets held for sale (Tables)
Trade and other payables (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Taxation (Tables)
Retirement benefits (Tables)
Decommissioning and other provisions (Tables)
Financial instruments (Tables)
Share capital (Tables)
Share-based compensation plans and shares held in trust (Tables)
Other reserves (Tables)
Dividends (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Employees (Tables)
Directors and senior management (Tables)
Auditor's remuneration (Tables)
Notes Details
Significant accounting policies, judgements and estimates (Details)
Climate change and energy transition - Additional Information (Details)
Climate change and energy transition - Fixed assets by segment (Details)
Climate change and energy transition - Carrying amounts of assets (Details)
Climate change and energy transition - MidPrice Outlook (Details)
Climate change and energy transition - Sensitivity Analysis (Details)
Climate change and energy transition - Carbon price per region (Details)
Climate change and energy transition - Carbon cost forecast (Details)
Emissions schemes and related environmental plans (Details)
Withdrawal from Russian oil and gas activities (Details)
Withdrawal from Russian oil and gas activities - Narrative (Details)
Capital management (Details)
Segment information - Information by Segment on Current Cost of Supplies Basis (Details)
Segment information - Summary of Reconciliation of CCS Earnings to Income (Details)
Segment information - Summary of Information by Geographical Area (Details)
Interest and other income - Summary of Interest and Other Income (Details)
Interest and other income - Narrative (Details)
Interest expense - Summary of Interest Expense (Details)
Interest expense - Narrative (Details)
Goodwill and other intangible assets - Summary of Intangible Assets and Goodwill (Details)
Goodwill and other intangible assets - Narrative (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Summary of Property Plant and Equipment (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Narrative (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Summary of Impairments (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Commodity Price Assumptions Applied in Impairment Testing (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Summary of Capitalised Exploration Drilling Costs (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Summary of Exploration Drilling Costs Capitalised for Periods Greater Than One Year (Details)
Joint ventures and associates - Summary of Shell Share of Comprehensive Income of Joint Ventures and Associates (Details)
Joint ventures and associates - Summary of Carrying Amount of Interests in Joint Ventures and Associates (Details)
Joint ventures and associates - Summary of Transactions With Joint Ventures and Associates (Details)
Joint ventures and associates - Summary of Other Arrangements in Respect of Joint Ventures and Associates (Details)
Investments in securities - Summary of Investments in Securities (Details)
Investments in securities - Schedule of Investments in Securities Using Predominantly Unobservable Inputs (Details)
Trade and other receivables - Summary of Trade and Other Receivables (Details)
Trade and other receivables - Narrative (Details)
Trade and other receivables - Maturity Analysis of Finance Lease Receivables (Details)
Inventories - Summary of Detailed Information of Inventories (Details)
Inventories - Narrative (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Summary of Cash and Cash Equivalents (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Narrative (Details)
Assets held for sale (Details)
Trade and other payables - Summary of Detailed Information About Trade and Other Payables (Details)
Debt - Schedule of Debt (Details)
Debt - Schedule of Net Debt (Details)
Debt - Schedule of Borrowing Facilities and Amounts Undrawn (Details)
Debt - Narrative (Details)
Debt - Schedule of Difference in Contractual Cash Flows for Debt Excluding Finance Lease Liabilities with the Carrying Amount (Details)
Leases - Summary of Right-of-use Assets (Details)
Leases - Narrative (Details)
Leases - Lease Expenses not Included in the Measurement of Lease Liability (Details)
Leases - Schedule of Future Lease Payments Under Lease Contracts (Details)
Taxation - Summary of Taxation Charge (Details)
Taxation - Narrative (Details)
Taxation - Summary of Reconciliation of Applicable Tax Charge Credit at Statutory Tax Rates to Taxation Charge (Details)
Taxation - Tax rates (Details)
Taxation - Summary of Deferred Tax (Details)
Retirement benefits - Summary of Retirement Benefits by Financial Position (Details)
Retirement benefits - Summary of Retirement Benefit Expense (Details)
Retirement benefits - Summary of Remeasurements (Details)
Retirement benefits - Summary of Defined Benefit Plan Obligations (Details)
Retirement benefits - Summary of Defined Benefit Plan Assets (Details)
Retirement benefits - Narrative (Details)
Retirement benefits - Summary of Assumptions for Sensitivity Analysis (Details)
Decommissioning and other provisions - Summary of Decommissioning and Other Provisions (Details)
Decommissioning and other provisions - Narrative (Details)
Decommissioning and other provisions - Maturity analysis (Details)
Financial instruments - Narrative (Details)
Financial instruments - Summary of 10% Appreciation Against the Dollar of Main Currencies (Details)
Financial instruments - Schedule of Value at Risk Pre-tax (Details)
Financial instruments - Schedule of Trade and Other Receivables, Other Payables and Derivative Financial Instruments (Details)
Financial instruments - IBRO Reform (Details)
Financial instruments - Schedule of Carrying Amounts of Derivative Contracts Designated and Not Designated as Hedging Instruments for Hedge Accounting (Details)
Financial instruments - Contractual Maturities of Derivative Liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments - Summary of Net Carrying Amounts of Derivative Contracts Held (Details)
Financial instruments - Summary of Net Carrying Amounts of Derivative Contracts Measured Using Predominantly Unobservable Inputs (Details)
Financial instruments - Unrecognised Day One Gains or Losses (Details)
Share capital - Summary of Issued and Fully Paid Ordinary Shares (Details)
Share capital - Narrative (Details)
Share-based compensation plans and shares held in trust - Summary of Share-Based Compensation Expense (Details)
Share-based compensation plans and shares held in trust - Narrative (Details)
Share-based compensation plans and shares held in trust - Schedule of Share Awards Under the PSP and LTIP (Details)
Other reserves - Summary of Other Reserves Attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc Shareholders (Details)
Other reserves - Summary of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc Shareholders (Details)
Dividends - Summary of Interim Dividends (Details)
Dividends - Narrative (Details)
Earnings per share - Schedule of Earnings Per Share (Details)
Legal proceedings and contingencies (Details)
Employees - Summary of Employee Costs (Details)
Employees - Summary of Average Employee Numbers (Details)
Directors and senior management - Summary of Remuneration of Directors of the Company (Details)
Directors and senior management - Narrative (Details)
Directors and senior management - Summary of Directors and Senior Management Expense (Details)
Auditor's remuneration - Summary of Auditor's Remuneration (Details)
Auditor's remuneration - Narrative (Details)
Post-Balance Sheet Events (Details)
Uncategorized Items - shel-20221231_htm.xml
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